Tag Archives: Capezio Assoluta pointe shoes

My Vintage Pair Of Capezio Assoluta

Assoluta Pointe Shoes

Assoluta Pointe Shoes

Finding a Vintage model, buying it, and adding it to a beloved collection is one of the most satisfying of endeavors . Anyone who has read through this blog knows that Capezio ballet and pointe shoes will always have a special place in my heart.

It is the Capezio models of the Vintage era that I love more than anything. Sometimes, the older one gets, the more one becomes wistful about the products of their youth. Although I am grateful that I can find pointe shoe treasures online, there was no such thing as online shopping when I was a student.

It is eye opening to realize that the brands and models that were popular in the early 1970’s are now classified as Vintage. Although my particular dance shoe shop in 1971 carried Capezio and Selva, the Assoluta by Capezio was only seen in my dance magazines. I was, however, in awe of any dancer that held the title of Prima Ballerina Assoluta. She was the Queen. The absolute best of the best.

Pointe Shoe Ads In Dance Magazines Were Like Catnip To Me

Capezio Assoluta

A Very Precious Addition To My Collection

When I think back on the start of my collection journey, it began with hanging on to my well-loved and worn out Pavlowa’s.

It also included holding on to every magazine with pictures of pointe shoes, slippers, and dancers. I am truly saddened by the fact that I didn’t keep those wonderful magazines and my tattered cutouts.

As I keep my eyes open for Vintage pointe shoes and slippers, I gravitate towards brands and models from the 50’s, 60′, and 70’s.  No thermo plastics. Nothing broken in for you. No soft fuzzy-wuzzy liners. No smooshy gel toe caps built-in. No Made In Turkmengladesh for Cheap.

It’s Incredible How A Simple Photo Can Take You Back In Time

Vintage Capezio Assoluta

Vintage Capezio Assoluta

As the Ballet world moves ever faster towards the latest in accessories, styles and techniques, there remain a few diehard dreamers that prefer to travel back in time instead.

It may be difficult for younger dancers to understand this devotion to the pointe shoe construction methods of yesteryear. And to understand why Principal Dancer will never sound as magical, as ethereal, as breathlessly beautiful as a Prima Ballerina Assoluta.