Suffolk’s Russian Collection- The Reign, Regent And Royale

I am not sure when it happened, but new pointe shoe models have been added to the Suffolk collection whose names do not begin with the letter S. How could this be? We were sailing along on the S fleet with Sonnets, Silhouettes, Sovereigns, Statuses, Stellars, Solos, Sterlings and Spotlights when a Reign and Regent were spotted off shore with the Royale not far behind.

 The Reign And Regent Have Been Permitted To Board The Suffolk Ship

The S Festival is now over. As our eyes get used to the shape of these new letters we learn that the Reign and Regent have been created for the Suffolk Prestige Collection. These beauties are made in Russia.  чудесный ! ( Wonderful !)

Suffolk Reign


The Reign is described as a low-profile model with slightly tapered boxes and a wide platform. They are pre-arched and pleat free. They have thick leather soles.

Regent Pointe Shoes


The Regent has the same pre-arched, pleat free design features as the Reign, but with a medium profile and medium platform. Another model appears to be on the horizon for this collection; the Royale.

Of course, the mention of a factory in Russia creates immediate cravings for a street address and pictures of the actual cobblers hammering and shaping these beauties. Here in the world of pointe shoe mysteries, we can always dream, even if we don’t drink Vodka as we search for фабрики по производству пуантов ( pointe shoe factories ) online.

What do you think about this Russian collection by Suffolk? Your opinions are always interesting, so feel free to comment. * No Political Rants, Please.

You can learn more by visiting Suffolk Dance Prestige.

4 responses to “Suffolk’s Russian Collection- The Reign, Regent And Royale

  1. I saw the video Suffolk posted on Youtube. My understanding is that they are trying to create shoes that compete with the big Russian brands in terms of feel and rollthrough. I’m not particularly sure why they chose to actually manufacture them in Russia as opposed to at their current factory. Maybe costs are lower or they were able to hire artisans with experience at other brands to gain knowledge of a different construction technique? I’m worried they will be hard to come by due to trade sanctions. They sure are beautiful-looking shoes.

  2. Hello BK D,
    Thanks for stopping by. It will be interesting to see how trade sanctions will affect this collaboration.

    I am not sure if the shoes will be available as direct orders from Russia under the Suffolk name, or if they will be shipped to England/ UK and stocked there.

  3. Why does the Reign have such thick leather?
    Won’t this make the shoe heavier & less flexible?

  4. Hello Petra,
    They are based on traditional design features that make the dancer work harder for the proper aesthetics. A shoe like this typically takes a lot of prep work to hug the arch.

    The dancer has to spend time breaking them in. This was normal before the days when ready-to-wear shoes proliferated the market.

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