Teplov Of South Africa

This picture of the Teplov pointe shoe is much prettier than the images  they have on their website. The website doesn’t give any detailed information on what type of foot they are designed for.

The Teplov brand was created by a former dancer with The Paris Opera Ballet. They peak my curiosity because they are made on the southern coast of Africa. I love pointe shoes from far away places! Somehow that gives them a certain “mystique” that U.S. brands don’t have.

3 responses to “Teplov Of South Africa

  1. Hi – I am a dancer from Cape Town, South Africa where Teplov are made – I came across your interesting blog and thought I’d tell you a bit more:) They do actually look like the photo you have (although that seems to be an older pair), their website photos are in a different light. The pair you have in your photo are a South African size(similar to a UK) 4.5 the width is a D – they come in different widths: D, E, F (D being the more narrow) and the shank comes in a soft back, medium back (mb) and hard back.
    I have enjoyed reading your blog.

  2. Thank you, Louise, for taking the time to give me that info 🙂 Having a pair of Teplov brand pointe shoes is one of my goals for my shoe collection.

  3. Teplov no longer make pointe shoes.

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